Available courses

Course image Web Design
Information Technology

The course focus on the key technologies for creating a webpage. We will see their function, HTML for the structure, CSS for the appearance, and JavaScript for the user interaction. We will also look at the Browser and how a Code Editor helps us write the necessary code.

Course image Matric Life Science

This course will cover the CAPS curriculum grade 12 Life science scope. this serves as an auxiliary resource to your learning and exam preparation.

Course image Grade 11 Maths

This course will cover all the content in the grade 11 curriculum

Course image Grade 7 Mathematics

This course will introduce you to the basic concepts of algebra. You will learn the fundamental principles governing algebraic operations can be derived from the mathematical operation you already know and understand such as addition, multiplication and exponents.

Course image Reading

This course will help you have a better understanding when reading  

Course image General Medium Lockout Procedure
Standard Operating Procedure

This procedure will be applicable when working on AC voltages from 1000 V up to and including 22 kV (No 44 000 V available on the Mine).  ( DC above 1500V)

Course image Introduction to Dump Truck Operations (1 hour)
Standard Operating Procedure

A specialized course focused specifically on dump truck operations. Covers loading, hauling, and unloading procedures, as well as safety measures unique to dump truck operation